Human Resources

Where Are All the Independent Contractors?

Lately, we’ve heard a lot about the economy doing well and the unemployment rate at an all-time low.  What some people may not know is that many small business owners would like to hire even more employees, but they struggle to find the right talent.  Business owners will look into various ways to find what they need.  Some will give serious thought to bringing aboard independent contractors, also known as freelance workers. If they choose that route, they will need a strategic plan.  What is that?

A strategic plan is the process of outlining a crystal clear direction, and designing steps to pursue it. In terms of a blueprint for working with independent contractors, the small business owner should focus on the purpose of the freelancers, sourcing them, contracting with them, communicating with them and assessing their effectiveness. 


The small business owner should have objectives for working with independent contractors.  Some like the idea of freelancers because they may appear to cost less; however, that may not always be the case. A cost analysis will help determine if they are worth the investment.   Small business owners may view independent contractors as sources of fresh ideas; however, before you bring them aboard, it’s wise to get an understanding of their thought processes.  


Securing an independent contractor is like finding a needle in a haystack.  They seem to be everywhere, but nowhere when you need one.  A good way to find a freelancer is on social media.  There are many freelancers who advertise their services.  Also, asking people in your personal network may prove helpful.  Many men and women are happy to refer you to someone they’ve worked with, and more importantly, liked.  Last, search industry specific job forums, and you may find a long list of independent contractors who have the skills and experience you seek.


After you select the independent contractor of your choice, make sure that the both of you discuss the details of the project, and put them in writing.  Some of the important aspects of the agreement should include the specific tasks that the independent contractor will complete, when they will do them, where the work would take place, and the compensation for the project.  Both parties should feel free to put any additional terms and/or conditions in the contract. After the negotiations are done, both sides should sign the agreement, and give each other a copy.  


Once the work has started, it’s a good idea for the small business owner to contact the independent contractor periodically.  He may want to check to see how the project is coming along and if it’s on schedule.  The small business owner may want to determine if the freelancer has any questions or needs anything in order for him to complete the task.  Also, by staying in contact with the independent contractor, the small business owner shows that he hasn’t forgotten about the project, and cares about its progress. 


After the project is completed, the small business owner may want to determine if using the independent contractor was beneficial.  The small business owner may want to reexamine his purpose in using free lancers.  If he decides that the independent contractor helped him meet his goals, then he would probably use one again.  If not, then the small business owner will maybe hire an employee or continue to work without one.   

In conclusion, having a strategic plan is important because it will help the small business owner determine if he should work with independent contractors.